Cadastral registration of properties located in Greece

Our team has vast experience in cadastral registrations

We assist owners of real estate properties to register their properties at the national cadastre (land registry). Where this is necessary, we assist also with the research of the property titles at the llocal and or mortgage registries.

The Greek National Cadastre (Land Registry, in Greek called “Ktimatologio”) is a unified and constantly updated record of legal, technical and other rights and information regarding immovable properties situated in Greece. It aims to create a modern registration system and to replace the previously existing system of registration at the Mortgage Registries, thus ensuring publicity and security of transactions related with immovable properties located in Greece.

The process of registration of Greek immovable properties at the Greek Cadastre has been undergoing in already for several years now and it is effected per geographic region in phases.

In several regions the registration process has already been completed, whilst in other regions the process has not yet begun or is currently in process.

Our team has vast experience in cadastral registrations and is often engaged by Greeks residing in Greece or abroad (Greeks of the “Diaspora” / “Omogenia”) in order to carry out the registration, including, where this is necessary in researching and obtaining property titles at the land registries or mortgage registries.

For any information, please do not hesitate to contact us.